Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
9 coincidencia(s) encontradas.
Mujeres privadas de libertad. Informe regional: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay.
Julieta Di Corleto
AccederLegal Barriers to Access Abortion ServicesThrough a Human Rights Lens: The Uruguayan Experience
Lucía Berro Pizzarossa
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) has increasingly gained importance in the field of international human rights law. The work of the United Nations (UN) bodies, in particular the recently adopted General Comment 22 (GC 22), has been instrumental in signalling the importance of the SRH legal ...
AccederHow the Uruguayan Judiciary Shapes Access to High-Priced Medicines: A Critique through the Right to Health Lens
Lucía Berro Pizzarossa, Katrina Perehudoff, José Castela Forte
Uruguay has witnessed an ever-increasing number of domestic court claims for high-priced medicines despite its comprehensive universal coverage of pharmaceuticals. In response to the current national debate and development of domestic legislation concerning high-priced medicines, we review whether ...
Acceder"Women are not in the Best Position to Make These Decisions by Themselves": Gender Stereotypes in the Uruguayan Abortion Law
Lucía Berro Pizzarossa
Efforts to protect women’s rights can cast dark shadows. Dangerous and often unnoticed stereotypes can motivate and infiltrate legal reforms. Recent changes to the law on abortion in Uruguay have been held out as a best practice model in South America. Recognising the power of the law to shape our ...
AccederLa confidencialidad médica en materia de aborto en Argentina, Perú y Uruguay
Mercedes Cavallo
AccederMujeres en contexto de encierro en Uruguay. Un colectivo sobrevulnerado
Lucía Giudice Graña
AccederIntertextos gelmanianos: Las afectaciones como puente entre la literatura y el derecho
Daniela Salazar Marín, Diego Falconí Trávez
A partir de una metodología proveniente de los estudios de derecho/literatura, este artículo se propone establecer las relaciones intertextuales existentes entre la sentencia Gelman vs. Uruguay (dictada por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos) y la obra literaria y paraliteraria del escritor ...