Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
94 coincidencia(s) encontradas.
La penalización del aborto como una violación a los derechos humanos de las mujeres
Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho
Universidad Diego Portales
AccederMedical and midwifery student attitudes toward moral acceptability and legality of abortion, following decriminalization of abortion in Chile
Finley Baba, M.Antonia Biggs, Lidia Casas Becerra, Sara Victoria Correa, Alejandra Ramm
Soon after Chile decriminalized abortion under three limited circumstances in 2017, we assessed medical and midwifery students’ attitudes about abortion morality and legality when compared to national opinions.
Study design
We administered an anonymous, online survey to medical and ...
Abortion in Chile: the long road to legalization and its slow implementation
Lidia Casas Becerra, Gloria Maira, Lieta Vivaldi Macho
Until as recently as September 2017, Chile was one of the few countries in the world that did not permit abortion under any circumstances. Although the Health Code had permitted therapeutic abortion (i.e., on health grounds) from 1931, this was repealed in 1989 as one of General Pinochet’s last acts ...
AccederInterpretando derechos: La otra legalización del aborto en América Latina
Paola Bergallo
AccederLa lucha contra las normas informales que regulaban el aborto en la Argentina
Paola Bergallo
AccederWomen behind bars: Chile’s abortion laws, a Human Rights analysis
Lidia Casas Becerra, Verónica Matus, Lorena Fríes, Viviana Waisman, Gaby Oré Aguilar, Katherine Hall Martinez, María Isabel Matamala Vivaldi
The Center for Reproductive Law & Policy
AccederMedical and midwifery students’ views on the use of conscientious objection in abortion care, following legal reform in Chile: a cross-sectional study
M.Antonia Biggs, Lidia Casas Becerra, Finley Baba, Alejandra Ramm, Sara Victoria Correa
In August 2017, Chile lifted its complete ban on abortion by permitting abortion in three limited circumstances: 1) to save a woman’s life, 2) lethal fetal anomaly, and 3) rape. The new law allows regulated use of conscientious objection (CO) in abortion care, including allowing ...
Visiones contrapuestas sobre el artículo 19 nº 1 de la Constitución:Reflexiones sobre la constitucionalidadde la ley de despenalización del aborto en tres causales
Lidia Casas Becerra, Lidia, comp. Casas Becerra, Gloria Maira, comp. Vargas
CDH Centro de Derechos Humanos
AccederAbortion policies and practices in Chile: ambiguities and dilemmas
Lidia Casas Becerra, Bonnie L. Shepard
Abortion is not legal in Chile even to save the woman’s life or health. This situationcreates serious dilemmas and vulnerabilities for both women and medical practitioners. Abortionincidence has probably decreased since 1990, when data were last studied, due to increased useof contraception and ...
AccederWomen prosecuted and imprisoned for abortion in Chile
Lidia Casas Becerra
Chile is one of the last countries in the world where abortion is absolutely illegal. This paper reports on a study of 80 women who were prosecuted in Santiago for having had an abortion, mostly young women, eight of whom became pregnant followingrape; 40 women who were prosecuted forperforming ...
AccederFuture Health Providers’ Willingness to Provide Abortion Services Following Decriminalisation of Abortion in Chile: A Cross-Sectional Survey
M.Antonia Biggs, Finley Baba, Lidia Casas Becerra, Sara Victoria Correa, Alejandra Ramm, Daniel Grossman
To assess Chilean medical and midwifery students’ attitudes and willingness to become trained to provide abortion care, shortly after abortion was decriminalised in 2017.
We fielded a cross-sectional, web-based survey of medical and midwifery students. We used generalised ...
Pregnancies and Fetal Anomalies Incompatible with Life in Chile: Arguments and Experiences in Advocating for Legal Reform
Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho
Abstract Chile allows abortion under no circumstances. Whether it’s fetal anomaly incompatible with life or congenital malformation resulting in little or no life expectancy, all Chilean women are expected to carry their pregnancies to term. In this context, in January 2015 the Chilean Congress ...
AccederThe Moderating Influence of International Courts on Social Movements
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Rachel Sieder
Feminists and religious conservatives across the globe have increasingly turned to courts in their battles over abortion. Yet while a significant literature analyzes legal mobilization on abortion issues, it tends to focus predominantly on domestic scenarios. In this article, we consider the effects ...
AccederAborto legal: Regulaciones sanitarias comparadas. Un análisis en América Latina y algunos países de Europa y África
Giselle Carino, Juanita Durán, Ana Cristina González Vélez
2008 | IPPF/RHO
El documento «Aborto legal: Regulaciones sanitarias comparadas» es el resultado de un análisis comparativo de las regulaciones sanitarias sobre acceso a servicios de interrupción legal del embarazo (ILE) en 13 países: México, Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Panamá, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Guyana, Canadá, ...