
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


4 coincidencia(s) encontradas.

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Law and the New Developmental State: The Brazilian Experience in Latin American Context.

Helena Alviar García, David Trubek, Diogo Coutinho

This book explores the emergence of a new developmental state in Latin America and its significance for law and development theory. In Brazil since 2000, emerging forms of state activism, including a new industrial policy and a robust social policy, differ from both classic developmental state and ...

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La discusión en torno a la política de desarrollo agrario: ¿perspectivas encontradas?, ¿nuevas soluciones?

Helena Alviar García
Universidad de los Andes

Este texto busca demostrar que los discursos de las partes negociadoras (gobierno colombiano y FARC-EP) se centran en visiones clásicas y antagónicas de la política agraria, lo cual genera puntos ciegos para solucionar muchos de los problemas que enfrenta el sector rural colombiano.

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Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and Economic Development: Limiting or Reinforcing the Market?

Helena Alviar García
Hart Publishing

This book of essays, written in honour of Professor David Trubek, explores many of the themes which he has himself written about, most notably the emergence of a global critical discourse on law and its application to global governance. As law becomes ever more implicated in global governance and as ...


Rethinking Law and Development in Colombia: How a Dynamic Approach Could Overcome the Chasm Between Law and Ideas of Economic Development

Helena Alviar García

The article explores the different ways in which the relationship between law and development has been thought of by policy makers and academics in Colombia. It proposes that there are two prevalent ways of understanding this relationship, either interpreting law as marginal to the economic ...
