Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
11 coincidencia(s) encontradas.
La búsqueda del progreso en la interpretación de la Constitución de 1991: el caso de la intervención de la Corte en la economía
Helena Alviar García
2005 | Universidad de los Andes
AccederRethinking Law and Development in Colombia: How a Dynamic Approach Could Overcome the Chasm Between Law and Ideas of Economic Development
Helena Alviar García
The article explores the different ways in which the relationship between law and development has been thought of by policy makers and academics in Colombia. It proposes that there are two prevalent ways of understanding this relationship, either interpreting law as marginal to the economic ...
AccederThe Evolving Relationship Between Law and Development: Proposing New Tools
Helena Alviar García
The relationship between law and economic development continues to be an elusive topic, with three general approaches discernible (the purely instrumentalist approach, the instrumentalist law-centred approach and the dynamic approach). This chapter argues that there is a range of interactions taking ...
AccederEngulfed buy the family: women in the colombian development state between 1966 and 1990
Helena Alviar García
This article analyzes the evolution of social policy in Colombia in relation with macroeconomic development policies and family since 1966. Understanding that many legal reforms have been unable to redistribute resources across gender lines because of their inability to foreground economic ...
AccederSearching for Women and Sustainable Development in Colombia: Restructuring the Limits
Helena Alviar García
AccederLegal Reform, Social Policy, and Gendered Redistribution in Colombia: The Role of the Family
Helena Alviar García
AccederBreve notícia sobre a análise econômica do direito
Ela Wiecko Volkmer de Castilho
AccederDesigualdade de gênero em tempos de crise: itinerários de resistência
Carmen Hein de Campos
O livro Biopolítica e Direitos Humanos: entre Desigualdades e Resistências é fruto do esforço intelectual de análise e compreensão do tempo presente, empreendido no II Congresso Nacional Biopolítica e Direitos Humanos: entre Desigualdades e Resistências, desenvolvo no âmbito do Grupo de Pesquisa ...