
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.

Same Sex- Marriage, Same-Sex Cohabitation, and Same-Sex Families Around the World: Why “Same” Is So Different?

Tabla de contenidos

I. There are marriages and there are same sex marriages. .............................2
II. From marriage-like treatment to full invisibility. ...................................14
A. Separate but equal........................................................................15
B. The meaning of the word “almost”: I can treat you as a
spouse but not as a parent..........................................................17
C. Separate and unequal: Partial recognition of same sex
D. The absolute divide between law and practice: The
invisibility of same sex couples.................................................31
III. The most recurrent arguments for and against same sex marriage........36
A. The essentialist arguments ...........................................................37
B. The teleological arguments ..........................................................41
C. Marriage as symbol, but of what? ................................................43
IV. Conclusions ...........................................................................................47


En: Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, vol. 19, no. 1 (2011)