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Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
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Palabra(s) clave 'Palgrave Macmillan' Modificar búsqueda
Capítulo de libroHelena Alviar García
The Evolving Relationship Between Law and Development: Proposing New Tools
Helena Alviar García
The relationship between law and economic development continues to be an elusive topic, with three general approaches discernible (the purely instrumentalist approach, the instrumentalist law-centred approach and the dynamic approach). This chapter argues that there is a range of interactions taking ...
AccederCapítulo de libroIsabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra
Feminist Legal Theory as an Intervention in Development Studies
Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra
2014 | Palgrave Macmillan
Feminist legal theory has not articulated any particular position concerning development studies or the role of law in development.2 Feminists and gender experts, however, have engaged law as part of development strategies, just as legal scholars have articulated a story about the role that law has ...