
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


Palabras clave: 'Memoria Histórica'.
9 coincidencia(s) encontradas.


Amicus Curiae Agosto 9 2017 Centro de Derechos Humanos AUWCL

Macarena Sáez
| American University Washington College of Law


Estado empático y ciudadanía precaria: Reflexiones en torno al caso emblemático de Bellavista (Bojayá-Colombia)

Lina Fernanda Buchely Ibarra

Este texto recoge la experiencia del trabajo en Bellavista, Bojayá (pacífico colombiano) articulando tres elementos: el carácter emocional de las manifestaciones oficiales que se construyen en escenarios de conflicto; la ciudadanía precaria que construyen las víctimas de violencia política inmersas actualmente en procesos de construcción de memoria histórica, perdón, duelo y reparación; finalmente, la fragmentación y ambigüedad que representan esos escenarios de discusión para el estado colombiano, en el proceso de posconflicto.Los resultados son expuestos a través de ejercicios etnográficos que recogen parte del trabajo de campo, desarrollado durante todo el año 2016.


Género y memoria histórica: Balance de la contribución del CNMH al esclarecimiento histórico

Centro Nacional de la Memoria Histórica, Lina María Céspedes Báez
2018 | Centro Nacional de la Memoria Histórica

Capítulo de libro

Remembering everything? Techno-optimisms and digital debris

Chloé S. Georas Santos
2016 | Brill

An already prototypical image of the internet is that of a universal repository for the patrimonial heritage of humanity. As early as 1967 Benjamin Kaplan foreshadowed what was to come when he asked us to imagine how computer networks would be capable of storing the complete trove of human knowledge and artistic expressions of the past. Even at the ARPANET stage, when the origins of the internet were still being developed by military interests concerned about nuclear survival (namely, the U.S. Department of Defense) and M.I.T., collaborators echoed Kaplan’s foresight when they stressed that computer networks would be a repository of cultural memory. Here we can appreciate the impetus to a global archive. Great optimism marks these visions of how technology will preserve the past for future generations. The promise of the internet has been profoundly democratic in its potential capacity to remember absolutely everything given that there is ‘enough storage to remember it all.’ But will ‘everything’ actually be remembered equally? In this chapter I discuss the ‘translation’ of traditional institutions of memory (TIM) to the virtual world and propose the ‘internet-museum’ metaphor to explore how the historical and cultural record of the world is accumulated and filtered on the internet. This sets the stage for me to address the debate surrounding the ‘completeness’ of the digital historical record and to explore the possibilities of what I call the disobedient ‘internet-museum.’


Networked memory project: A proposal for the archiving of social networks by the Library of Congress of the United States

Chloé S. Georas Santos

This article explores the challenges posed by an archival interest in the broad palimpsest of daily life left on social networks that are controlled by private corporations. It addresses whether social networks should be archived for the benefit of future generations and proposes a policy thought experiment to help grapple with these questions, namely, the proposal for the formation of the public interest-oriented Networked Memory Project by the Library of Congress for the archiving of social networks. My discussion of the challenges posed by this thought experiment will focus on the U.S. legal framework within which the Library of Congress operates and take Facebook. To the extent that social networks have user-generated contents that range from the highly “private” to “public” as opposed to other networked platforms that contain materials that are considered “public”, the bar for the historical archival of social networks is much higher. Almost every archival effort must contend with the legal hurdle of copyright, but the archiving of social networks must also address how to handle the potentially sensitive nature of materials that are considered “private” from the perspective of the social and legal constructions of privacy. My theoretical exercise of proposing the formation of the Networked Memory Project by the Library of Congress responds to the need to consider the benefits of a public interest-oriented archive of social networks that can counter the drawbacks of the incidental corporate archiving taking place on social networks.

Capítulo de libro

Reflexiones jurídicas sobre la responsabilidad en el caso

Laura Cecilia Porras Santanilla
2010 | Taurus

Capítulo de libro

Cómo se investigó el caso: La sombra de la masacre

Laura Cecilia Porras Santanilla
2010 | Taurus

Capítulo de libro

Los hechos

Laura Cecilia Porras Santanilla
2010 | Taurus

Capítulo de libro

Debilidades y fortalezas de la gestión judicial y administrativa en torno al caso

Laura Cecilia Porras Santanilla
2008 | Grupo Planeta
