
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


Palabras clave: 'Matrimonios entre homosexuales'.
19 coincidencia(s) encontradas.


Sobre la compatibilidad del matrimonio igualitario y las uniones de hecho entre personas del mismo sexo con el ordenamiento constitucional peruano

María Soledad Fernández Revoredo

La doctora María Soledad Fernandez realiza una importante exposición de argumentos en torno a la compatibilidad entre el matrimonio y las uniones de hecho entre personas del mismo sexo con nuestra vigente Constitución. Así, la autora desarrolla cómo es que está entendida la orientación sexual en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, concluyendo que cualquier trato diferenciado en este aspecto tiene que ser visto como una categoría sospechosa.

Posteriormente, se expone cómo es concebida la familia; así como las instituciones del matrimonio y unión de hecho, y su relación con la heterosexualidad. Finalmente, la autora llega a la conclusión que, en base a los principios recogidos en nuestra Constitución, realizando una lectura sistemática del mencionado texto, es posible aceptarjurídicamente el matrimonio y la unión de hecho entre personas del mismo sexo.


Matrimonio entre Parejas de un Mismo Sexo

Macarena Sáez, Hernán Corral Talciani, Rolando Jiménez, Marcela Virginia Rodríguez, Albie Sachs


Acerca de la problemática de las uniones homosexuales: matrimonio y adopción

María Soledad Fernández Revoredo, Patrick McCarthy, Armando Nieto Vélez, Jose Miguel Sánchez Tomás


Transforming Family Law Through Same-sex Marriage: Lessons From (and To) the Western World

Macarena Sáez


Same Sex Couples - Comparative Insights on Marriage and Cohabitation

Macarena Sáez
| Springer

This book shows six different realities of same-sex families. They range from full recognition of same-sex marriage to full invisibility of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. The broad spectrum of experiences presented in this book share some commonalities: in all of them legal scholars and civil society are moving legal boundaries or thinking of spaces within rigid legal systems for same-sex families to function. In all of them there have been legal claims to recognize the existence of same-sex families. The difference between them lies in the response of courts. Regardless of the type of legal system, when courts have viewed claims of same-sex couples and their families as problems of individual rights, they have responded with a constitutional narrative protecting same-sex couples and their families. When courts respond to these claims with rigid concepts of what a family is and what marriage is as if legal concepts where unmodifiable, same-sex couples have remained outside the protection of the law.

Until forty years ago marriage was the only union considered legitimate to form a family. Today more than 30 countries have granted rights to same sex couples, including several that have opened up marriage to couples of the same sex. Every day there is a new bill being discussed or a new claim being brought to courts seeking formal recognition of same sex couples. Not all countries are open to changing their legal structures to accommodate same-sex couples, but even those with no visible changes are witnessing new voices in their communities challenging the status quo and envisioning more flexible legal systems.

Capítulo de libro

Same sex marriages

Macarena Sáez
| Springer


Same Sex- Marriage, Same-Sex Cohabitation, and Same-Sex Families Around the World: Why “Same” Is So Different?

Macarena Sáez

Capítulo de libro

La cruzada contra el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en Colombia

Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Mauricio Albarracín
2006 | Center for Latin American & Latino Studies, American University, Washington


Igualdad: el derecho al matrimonio de las parejas del mismo sexo

Esther Vicente

El lunes 10 de noviembre de 2014 se llevó a cabo el Foro "Igualdad: el derecho al matrimonio de las parejas del mismo sexo" en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. Los panelistas conversaron sobre la decisión del juez federal Hon. Juan Pérez-Giménez en el caso federal Conde v. Rius, los próximos trámites judiciales y el efecto de este caso en la normativa relacionada al matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en Puerto Rico.
Este evento fue organizado por la Asociación Legal de Estudiantes Pro-Derechos LGBTT (ALEP) y la Federal Bar Association.
Lcda. María Dolores Fernós López-Cepero
Orador principal:
Lcdo. Omar González Pagán (Organización Lambda Legal)
Lcda. Esther Vicente
Lcdo. Carlos E. Ramos González

Capítulo de libro

Same-Sex Unions in Mexico: Between Text and Doctrine

Estefanía Vela Barba

Currently Mexico recognizes same-sex marriage in several states. The
Mexican Supreme Court has been instrumental in this recognition, advancing an
interpretation of marriage outside its historical and textual interpretation. The
current state of same-sex marriage and LGBTI rights in general in Mexico is the
consequence of a new interpretation of the role of marriage and the family in the
Mexican society, as well as the evolution of the LGBTI movement.


La Suprema Corte y el matrimonio: una relación de amor

Estefanía Vela Barba

Capítulo de libro

Los criterios de la Corte sobre discriminación por estado marital: las piezas que faltan

Francisca Pou Giménez
2017 | Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas - UNAM

Capítulo de libro

El derecho de familia interpelado por las uniones homosexuales

Verónica Spaventa


Las uniones homosexuales y la protección de la vivienda familiar

Verónica Spaventa

Capítulo de libro

L'homoparentalité en Amérique Latine. Les vents qui soufflent du Sud

Eleonora Lamm, Marisa Herrera, Aida Kemelmajer de Carlucci


El matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en la reciente sentencia del TEDH. No se cierran puertas, mas sí se abren ventanas. CASO SCHALK Y KOPF c. AUSTRIA del 24 de junio de 2010

Eleonora Lamm


Presunción de maternidad y matrimonio homosexual

Eleonora Lamm

Capítulo de libro

El matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo: Un enfoque transformador o conformista?

Macarena Sáez

Capítulo de libro

Same-Sex Marriage in the United States

Macarena Sáez

This book shows six different realities of same-sex families. They range from full recognition of same-sex marriage to full invisibility of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. The broad spectrum of experiences presented in this book share some commonalities: in all of them legal scholars and civil society are moving legal boundaries or thinking of spaces within rigid legal systems for same-sex families to function. In all of them there have been legal claims to recognize the existence of same-sex families. The difference between them lies in the response of courts. Regardless of the type of legal system, when courts have viewed claims of same-sex couples and their families as problems of individual rights, they have responded with a constitutional narrative protecting same-sex couples and their families. When courts respond to these claims with rigid concepts of what a family is and what marriage is as if legal concepts where unmodifiable, same-sex couples have remained outside the protection of the law.

Until forty years ago marriage was the only union considered legitimate to form a family. Today more than 30 countries have granted rights to same sex couples, including several that have opened up marriage to couples of the same sex. Every day there is a new bill being discussed or a new claim being brought to courts seeking formal recognition of same sex couples. Not all countries are open to changing their legal structures to accommodate same-sex couples, but even those with no visible changes are witnessing new voices in their communities challenging the status quo and envisioning more flexible legal systems.
