
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


Palabras clave: 'Diogo Coutinho'.
2 coincidencia(s) encontradas.


Law and the New Developmental State: The Brazilian Experience in Latin American Context.

Helena Alviar García, David Trubek, Diogo Coutinho

This book explores the emergence of a new developmental state in Latin America and its significance for law and development theory. In Brazil since 2000, emerging forms of state activism, including a new industrial policy and a robust social policy, differ from both classic developmental state and neoliberal approaches. They favor a strong state and a strong market, employ public-private partnerships, seek to reduce inequality, and embrace the global economy. Case studies of state activism and law in Brazil show new roles emerging for legal institutions. They describe how the national development bank uses law in innovation promotion, trade law strengthens new developmental policies in export promotion and public health, and social law frames innovative poverty-relief programs that reduce inequality and stimulate demand. Contrasting Brazilian experience with Colombia and Mexico, the book underscores the unique features of Brazil's trajectory and the importance of this experience for understanding the role of law in development today.

Capítulo de libro

Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and Economic Development: Limiting or Reinforcing the Market?

Helena Alviar García
| Hart Publishing

This book of essays, written in honour of Professor David Trubek, explores many of the themes which he has himself written about, most notably the emergence of a global critical discourse on law and its application to global governance. As law becomes ever more implicated in global governance and as processes related to and driven by globalisation transform legal systems at all levels, it is important that critical traditions in law adapt to the changing legal order and problématique. The book brings together critical scholars from the EU, and North and South America to explore the forms of law that are emerging in the global governance context, the processes and legal roles that have developed, and the critical discourses that have been formed. By looking at critical appraisals of law at the global, regional and national level, the links among them, and the normative implications of critical discourses, the book aims to show the complexity of law in today's world and demonstrate the value of critical legal thought for our understanding of issues of contemporary governance and regulation. Scholars from many countries contribute critical studies of global and regional institutions, explore the governance of labour and development policy in depth, and discuss the changing role of lawyers in global regulatory space.
