
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


5 coincidencia(s) encontradas.

Autoría 'Lieta Vivaldi Macho' Modificar búsqueda
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La penalización del aborto como una violación a los derechos humanos de las mujeres

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho
Universidad Diego Portales


Abortion in Chile: the long road to legalization and its slow implementation

Lidia Casas Becerra, Gloria Maira, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

Until as recently as September 2017, Chile was one of the few countries in the world that did not permit abortion under any circumstances. Although the Health Code had permitted therapeutic abortion (i.e., on health grounds) from 1931, this was repealed in 1989 as one of General Pinochet’s last acts ...


Aborto: una clara oportunidad para legislar

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

Este artículo mostrará los caminos que se han seguido, con variadas perspectivas, para
reformar la regulación del aborto en Chile. Al cierre de la edición de este artículo, se están tramitando propuestas de ley en el Congreso para regular el aborto por causales y un ...


Abortion in Chile: the practice under a restrictive regime

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

This article examines, from a human rights perspective, the experience of women, and the practicesof health care providers regarding abortion in Chile. Most abortions, as high as 100,000 a year, are obtainedsurreptitiously and clandestinely, and income and connections play a key role. The illegality ...


Pregnancies and Fetal Anomalies Incompatible with Life in Chile: Arguments and Experiences in Advocating for Legal Reform

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

Abstract Chile allows abortion under no circumstances. Whether it’s fetal anomaly incompatible with life or congenital malformation resulting in little or no life expectancy, all Chilean women are expected to carry their pregnancies to term. In this context, in January 2015 the Chilean Congress ...
