
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.

Rebuscadores Indignation about the Legal Misrecognition of the Most Vulnerable Segment of the Working Poor in Bogotá

Laura Cecilia Porras Santanilla *Laura Cecilia Porras Santanilla *

(*) Integrante(s) de la Red Alas.

This paper will argue that a good way to misrecognize and deny basic social benefits to those most in need is to inscribe them in broad categories that they do not identify with, that do not allow others to have a clear image of who they are, and that do not give them a place in the overall social space. I suggest that we can group Bogotá’s most vulnerable workers under the name rebuscadores which is distinctive in class terms. Re-buscador is a made-up word in Spanish which suggests that someone is looking all the time for something, in this case, for a way to make a living and survive. If those workers become visible and gain legal recognition (as the proletariat once did) it will be easier to procure legal protection for them, which is one of the ways to fight against longstanding socio-economic inequalities.


En:  Oñati socio-legal series, Vol. 5, Nº. 1, (2015): 218-236

