Palabras clave
Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
Capítulo de libro
The Peruvian Case: Gender and Transitional Justice
Julissa Mantilla Falcón *
(*) Integrante(s) de la Red Alas.
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Tabla de contenidos
Foreword, Edith Brown-Weiss Introduction, Lisa Yarwood Part 1: The Recognition and Contribution of Women in Transitional Justice Theory 1. Intersectional Feminist Theory for Transitional Society, Eilish Rooney 2. The Recognition of Gender Crimes in the International Courts, Caroline Fournet 3. Denial, Impunity and Transitional Justice: The Fate of Female Rape Victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Clotilde Pegorier 4. Women, Peace and Security: Mainstreaming Gender in Transitional Justice Processes, Amy Barrow Part 2: Women as Protagonists in the Transitional Justice Process 5. The Role of Women Asylum Seekers in International Transitional Justice Processes in the Conflict State and the Asylum State, Sarah Maddox 6. Women as Post Conflict Community Builders:The East Timor Experience, Nicole Turner 7. The Role of International Prosecutors in Facilitating Transitional Justice for Women, Andra Mobberley Part 3:Women as Participants in Transitional Justice 8. The Legacy of Gender Issues at the ICTR, Clair Duffy 9. Promoting Gender in Transitional Justice Processes: The Role of the United Nations, Nahla Valji 10. Protecting the Rights of the Girl Child in Transitional Justice, Annelotte Dekker 11. Women Survivors and Transitional Justice, Polly Dewhirst 12. Gender and Transitional Justice in South Africa, Helen Scanlon Part 4: The Role of Women in Non-Traditional Transitional Justice Processes 13. Women, Transitional Justice and Indigenous Conflict: The Role of Women in Addressing New Zealand’s Colonial Past, Lisa Yarwood 14. Reparations in Latin America from a Gender Perspective, Catalina Diaz 15. Julissa Mantilla 16. Conclusion, Lisa Yarwood
En: Lisa Yarwood (comp.). Women and Transitional Justice : The Experience of Women as Participants. 2012, pág. 184 - 197. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.