
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


Palabras clave: 'Felipe Jaramillo Ruiz'.
2 coincidencia(s) encontradas.


'Peace without women does not go!': Women's struggle for inclusion in Colombia's peace process with the FARC

Lina María Céspedes Báez, Felipe Jaramillo Ruiz

In this study, we analyze the tactics deployed by Colombian women’s rights NGOs, movements, and advocacy groups to challenge masculinism in the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the former Colombian guerrilla Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC) held in Havana.1 By drawing on the literature on women’s participation in peace and transitional justice processes, the research assesses the presence of women in Colombia’s peace talks, the way women’s movements articulated their demands, the role of the sub-commission on gender, and the manner in which gender was introduced in the drafts of the peace agreement and in the document the parties to the negotiation signed in Cartagena in September 2016.


El feminismo de la gobernanza en la CEDAW: La cuestión sobre el trabajo sexual y la prostitución

Lina María Céspedes Báez, Felipe Jaramillo Ruiz

A partir del debate sobre el feminismo de la gobernanza, este artículo investiga las recomendaciones generales del Comité de la Convención sobre la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer (CEDAW) y las observaciones finales de los informes de los Estados parte presentadas ante el mismo. El objetivo consiste en analizar el enfoque que este órgano ha incorporado para abordar la comercialización del sexo desde una perspectiva crítica. En este sentido, se encuentra que el Comité de la CEDAW ha promovido un enfoque de descriminalización parcial o abolicionista que pretende penalizar a aquellos que participen en el comercio sexual, salvo a la mujer en prostitución, la cual es considerada primordialmente como una víctima. Así, el artículo provee hallazgos empíricos que permiten entender las aproximaciones a la sexualidad que predominan en la regulación y organismos internacionales y sus posibles implicaciones para el feminismo de la gobernanza.

Based on a discussion of governance feminism, this article analyzes the general recommendations and concluding observations of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The objective is to critically analyze the approach that this body has used to address the commercialization of sex. In this sense, we find that the CEDAW Committee has promoted an abolitionist approach or one favoring partial decriminalization, which penalizes those who participate in the sex trade, except women in prostitution, who are primarily seen as victims. Thus, the empirical findings serve to understand the approaches to sexuality that prevail in international norms and organizations and their possible implications for governance feminism.
