
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.

Here to Stay: The Evolution of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in International Human Rights Law

Lucía Berro Pizzarossa *Lucía Berro Pizzarossa *

(*) Integrante(s) de la Red Alas.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights have increasingly been recognized in the
international arena, but their evolution and the definition of their scope and content have not
been received without controversy. From population control to human rights, from demographers’ competence to governmental prerogative, from couples’ rights to universal rights, this article will present an overview of the evolution of sexual and reproductive rights in the international arena.
The development of these rights cannot be read in isolation but must be analyzed together with the broader landscape that hosts social and political movements, ideologies, religions, and revolutions.
Understanding sexual and reproductive health and rights as historical creations, rather than timeless givens, enables us to devise historically informed instruments and policies that are more likely to succeed. This article contributes to the scholarly literature by providing an overview of past trends and of the conditions under which they occurred. Retracing the history of these rights enables us to clarify the scope of the state’s obligations to realize the right to sexual and reproductive health, to improve monitoring opportunities, and to ensure accountability for violations. This article explores these (and forthcoming) developments contributing to identify the existing obligations, the relevant actors, and the challenges that lie ahead.


En: Laws, vol 7, n° 3 (2018): 29
