Palabras clave
Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
5 coincidencia(s) encontradas.
Etiqueta Memoria Modificar búsqueda
ArtículoFernando Da Silva Cardoso, Graciele Maria Coelho de Andrade Gomes, Mário de Faria Carvalho
Memória, imaginário e subjetividade. Notas a uma categoria estética à rememoração da história de horror brasileira
Fernando Da Silva Cardoso, Graciele Maria Coelho de Andrade Gomes, Mário de Faria Carvalho
AccederLibroCentro Nacional de la Memoria Histórica, Lina María Céspedes Báez
Género y memoria histórica: Balance de la contribución del CNMH al esclarecimiento histórico
Centro Nacional de la Memoria Histórica, Lina María Céspedes Báez
2018 | Centro Nacional de la Memoria Histórica
AccederCapítulo de libroChloé S. Georas Santos
Remembering everything? Techno-optimisms and digital debris
Chloé S. Georas Santos
2016 | Brill
An already prototypical image of the internet is that of a universal repository for the patrimonial heritage of humanity. As early as 1967 Benjamin Kaplan foreshadowed what was to come when he asked us to imagine how computer networks would be capable of storing the complete trove of human knowledge ...
AccederCapítulo de libroChloé S. Georas Santos
El “museo-internet” y los restos digitales
Chloé S. Georas Santos
2011 | Libraria
AccederArtículoChloé S. Georas Santos
Networked memory project: A proposal for the archiving of social networks by the Library of Congress of the United States
Chloé S. Georas Santos
This article explores the challenges posed by an archival interest in the broad palimpsest of daily life left on social networks that are controlled by private corporations. It addresses whether social networks should be archived for the benefit of future generations and proposes a policy thought ...