Palabras clave
Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
5 coincidencia(s) encontradas.
Etiqueta Educación sexual Modificar búsqueda
ArtículoClaudia Ahumada, Lidia Casas Becerra
Teenage sexuality and rights in Chile: from denial to punishment
Claudia Ahumada, Lidia Casas Becerra
While Chile sees itself as a country that has fully restored human rights since its return todemocratic rule in 1990, the rights of teenagers to comprehensive sexuality education are still notbeing met. This paper reviews the recent history of sexuality education in Chile and relatedlegislation, ...
AccederDocumentoMovimiento Manuela Ramos, PROMSEX, UNFPA, Marcela Huaita Alegre
Situación, barreras legales y alternativas frente a la penalización de las relaciones sexuales consentidas entre y con adolescentes de 14 a 18 años de edad
Movimiento Manuela Ramos, PROMSEX, UNFPA, Marcela Huaita Alegre
2010 | Movimiento Manuela Ramos
AccederDocumentoMarcela Huaita Alegre, C. S. Vila, C. N., ed. Hidalgo, A. M., ed. Quintana
Balance sobre normatividad y políticas públicas a favor del acceso de adolescentes a servicios de prevención y atención integral en SSR/ VIH/SIDA
Marcela Huaita Alegre, C. S. Vila, C. N., ed. Hidalgo, A. M., ed. Quintana
2009 | UNFPA
AccederCapítulo de libroJuan Marco Vaggione, Eduardo Mattio
Sex Education en Argentina: Ideological Tensions and Critical Challenges
Juan Marco Vaggione, Eduardo Mattio
In 2006, Argentina passed a national law recognizing sex education as a right that ought to be obligatorily included in all schools. The main purpose of this chapter is to analyze the sanctioning of this law as part of the tensions and challenges that characterizes contemporary sexual politics in ...