Palabras clave
Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.
3 coincidencia(s) encontradas.
Etiqueta Derecho humanitario Modificar búsqueda
ArtículoJulieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
Internally displaced Women as Knowledge Producers and Users in Humanitarian Action: The View from Colombia
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
The literature on evidence-based action in humanitarian crises commonly focuses on how inter-and non-governmental organisations can produce better knowledge and how this can be translated into improved programming. Yet, there is little recorded experience of, or concern about, how the beneficiaries ...
AccederCapítulo de libroJulieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
From IDPs to victims Colombia: A bottom up reading of law in post-conflict transitions
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
2015 | Routledge
AccederArtículoMaría Helena Carbonell Yánez
The Conservationist Principle under International Humanitarian Law versus a Transformative Occupation in a Human Rights Context
María Helena Carbonell Yánez
This article presents a discussion about the necessary evolution of the law of occupation facing the obligations set for by the International Human Rights regime, based on the law of State responsibility. In the first section of this two-part study, the article delivers a state of the art through ...