
Palabras clave

Academia, Género,
Derecho y Sexualidad.


Palabras clave: 'Legislación'.
158 coincidencia(s) encontradas.


Derecho, Desarrollo y Feminismo en América Latina

Helena Alviar García

Capítulo de libro

Perfiles de mujeres procesadas por aborto

Lidia Casas Becerra


El funcionamiento de los nuevos tribunales de familia: resultados de una investigación exploratoria

Lidia Casas Becerra, Mauricio Duce, Felipe Marín, Cristian Riego, Macarena Vargas Pavez
| Universidad Diego Portales


Violencia de género y reforma procesal penal chilena: delitos sexuales y lesiones

Lidia Casas Becerra, Alejandra Mera González-Ballesteros
| Universidad Diego Portales


Perspectivas contemporáneas en la investigación Jurídica

Helena Alviar García
| Universidad de los Andes


Aborto: argumentos para una discusión necesaria

Lidia Casas Becerra, Nuria Núñez, Ximena Zavala, Instituto de la Mujer
| Instituto de la Mujer


Abortion in Chile: the long road to legalization and its slow implementation

Lidia Casas Becerra, Gloria Maira, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

Until as recently as September 2017, Chile was one of the few countries in the world that did not permit abortion under any circumstances. Although the Health Code had permitted therapeutic abortion (i.e., on health grounds) from 1931, this was repealed in 1989 as one of General Pinochet’s last acts in office. It took more than 25 years to reverse the ban. Finally, a new act was approved allowing abortion on three grounds: when a woman’s life is in danger, when there are fetal anomalies incompatible with life, and in the case of rape. Since the law allows abortion only in limited cases, most women must continue to seek illegal abortions, as previously. In this paper, we explore the historical context in which Chile’s 2017 bill was finally passed. We then analyze the legislative debate leading up to the passage of the law. Lastly, we present the results of a community-based participatory research effort carried out by an alliance between feminist and human rights organizations. Chile’s law was passed almost two years ago, and this research shows the persistence of various obstacles that hinder women’s access to legal abortion, such as the use of conscientious objection, a lack of trained health care providers, and a lack information for women.


La despenalización del aborto

Lidia Casas Becerra
| Universidad Diego Portales


Argumentos para la revisión de leyes punitivas en contra del aborto

Lidia Casas Becerra, Nuria Núñez


Women behind bars: Chile’s abortion laws, a Human Rights analysis

Lidia Casas Becerra, Verónica Matus, Lorena Fríes, Viviana Waisman, Gaby Oré Aguilar, Katherine Hall Martinez, María Isabel Matamala Vivaldi
| The Center for Reproductive Law & Policy


Aborto: una clara oportunidad para legislar

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

Este artículo mostrará los caminos que se han seguido, con variadas perspectivas, para
reformar la regulación del aborto en Chile. Al cierre de la edición de este artículo, se están tramitando propuestas de ley en el Congreso para regular el aborto por causales y un proyecto de Código Penal que tuvo entre sus antecedentes el aborto por plazo, que está recogido en la reciente iniciativa de un grupo de senadores. En este escenario, hasta el momento el Ejecutivo no ha dado luces sobre si avanzará con un proyecto propio o adherirá a algunos de los existentes. Cada una de estas posibilidades presenta interrogantes y múltiples desafíos para obtener su aprobación. Pero la principal pregunta es si tendrán como encuadre los derechos de las mujeres y la autonomía reproductiva.


Visiones contrapuestas sobre el artículo 19 nº 1 de la Constitución:Reflexiones sobre la constitucionalidadde la ley de despenalización del aborto en tres causales

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lidia, comp. Casas Becerra, Gloria Maira, comp. Vargas
| CDH Centro de Derechos Humanos


La respuesta estatal a la violencia intrafamiliar

Lidia Casas Becerra, Macarena Vargas Pavez

En Chile el tratamiento y respuesta al fenómeno de la violencia intrafamiliar ha cambiado sustancialmente desde la primera ley dictada en 1994 hasta la fecha. Se ha transitado desde un enfoque terapéutico hacia uno de respuestas más represivas, entregando con ello competencia para conocer de estos actos al sistema de justicia penal. Indagar, desde una perspectiva cuantitativa y cualitativa, acerca del impacto de las modificaciones legales de los últimos años es el objeto del presente trabajo.


Abortion in Chile: the practice under a restrictive regime

Lidia Casas Becerra, Lieta Vivaldi Macho

This article examines, from a human rights perspective, the experience of women, and the practicesof health care providers regarding abortion in Chile. Most abortions, as high as 100,000 a year, are obtainedsurreptitiously and clandestinely, and income and connections play a key role. The illegality of abortioncorrelates strongly with vulnerability, feelings of guilt and loneliness, fear of prosecution, physical andpsychological harm, and social ostracism. Moreover, the absolute legal ban on abortion has a chilling effect onhealth care providers and endangers women’s lives and health. Although misoprostol use has significantlyhelped to prevent greater harm and enhance women’s agency, a ban on sales created a black market.Against this backdrop, feminists have taken action in aid of women. For instance, a feminist collectiveopened a telephone hotline,Linea Aborto Libre(Free Abortion Line), which has been crucial in informingwomen of the correct and safe use of misoprostol. Chile is at a crossroads. For the first time in 24 years,abortion law reform seems plausible, at least when the woman’s life or health is at risk and in cases of rapeand fetal anomalies incompatible with life. The political scenario is unfolding as we write. Congressionalapproval does not mean automatic enactment of a new law; a constitutional challenge is highly likely andwill have to be overcome.


“Family” as a legal concept

Helena Alviar García, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra

The concept of “family” plays an important role in the way national legal regimes distribute both power and resources. However, the idea of what a family is or should be is not univocal for all branches of law. In this paper we wish to contribute to feminist thinking about the law and to legal theory in general, by showing the contradictions and gaps in law’s incorporation of the legal concept of the family and their distributive impact. We use the notion of conceptual fragmentation to refer to the irregular manner in which family as a legal concept lands into the realms of diverse fields of law at different moments in time and with different emphasis. We argue that conceptual fragmentation makes connections through time and subject matter invisible, and therefore makes it harder to have a critique of the role of the family, treated as a legal concept, in the oppression of women. We establish that conceptual fragmentation is not irrational or incoherent but rather patterned in ways that correspond to the losses of women in contemporary societies. We use the case of colombian law to illustrate the stakes involved in defining the family and the operations that we call fragmentation. In particular, we explain how family law exceptionalism was produced, the importance of the legal concept of the family within family law and its ambivalence as to the proper definition, and the evolution of the concept of family within social policy. We argue that even if the stakes of the family seem to be all for same sex couples, in so far as “family” is still about reproduction and distribution, we should be vigilant about how women fare in the conceptual turns that seek to bring us closer to the natural family.

Libro electrónico / e-book

Manual de Derecho de Familia. Constitucionalización y diversidad familiar

María Soledad Fernández Revoredo
2013 | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Manual que aborda el tratamiento de temas como la protección de las familias, la filiación, el derecho alimentario, las uniones convivenciales y el matrimonio, el rol del cuidado de los hijos, la separación y el divorcio.


La violencia intrafamiliar como un fenómeno estereotipado y la necesidad de tipificar el delito doméstico en la Legislación de Guatemala

María del Rosario Velázquez Juarez


Sexual Orientation & the Law

Macarena Sáez

This entry on sexual orientation and the law (SO&L) analyzes the legal treatment of the categories sexual orientation and gender identity and the impact of legal practices, doctrines, and customs in the lives of individuals and groups who define themselves or are defined by societies, communities, or other individuals as non‐heterosexuals. The entry provides a summary of the main areas of development of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and intersex individuals (LGBTIs) and their rights, and also the main obstacles encountered by LGBTIs in different legal systems. It covers the main features of criminalizing sexual conducts and the new topics covered by SO&L today including the rights of trans people and LGBTI families. It also analyzes the main arguments provided by courts to advance LGBTI rights and the role of international law in the protection of sexual minorities.
